The Thomas Chatterton Society
thomaschattertonsociety.com Bristol thomas chatterton society
Thomas Chatterton 1752 - 1770 Poet and Writer born in Bristol England who found international fame after his early and untimely death at 17 years 277 days.
Quote from Thomas Chatterton:
"God has sent his creatures into the world with arms long enough to reach anywhere if they could be put to the trouble of extending them."
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About the Society & Location Map
The Society brings together all those who are interested in Chatterton’s writing and his extraordinary life-story, and hopes to stimulate interest amongst those who are new to Chatterton.
It aims to increase awareness of Chatterton’s important contributions to the cultural history of Bristol and the development of Romanticism.
It supports scholarship and research into Chatterton and his writings, and the conservation of areas associated with Chatterton.
It also aims to highlight the needs of teenagers like Chatterton in modern society.
The Society supports youth Educational, Enabling and Enhancement Initiatives.
It organises meetings and events in Bristol and elsewhere, including a regular event on Chatterton’s Birthday, 20 November.
Members are kept informed through the website, a regular Newsletter and other publications.
The Thomas Chatterton Society was founded in 2002 (the 250th anniversary of Chatterton's birth), to celebrate the life and works of this remarkable poet and writer, and to broaden and deepen awareness of Chatterton and his world.
Copies of the Society's Constitution are available from the Secretary.
Map of Chatterton's House Redcliffe Way Bristol BS1 6NL England
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thomaschattertonsociety.com Bristol thomas chatterton society