The Thomas Chatterton Society Bristol thomas chatterton society
Thomas Chatterton 1752 - 1770 Poet and Writer born in Bristol England who found international fame after his early and untimely death at 17 years 277 days.
Quote from Thomas Chatterton:
"God has sent his creatures into the world with arms long enough to reach anywhere if they could be put to the trouble of extending them."
2020 is ‘Chatterton Year’
“the marvellous Boy” – William Wordsworth
“I weep, the heaven-born Genius so should fall,” – S T Coleridge
In ‘Adonias’ his elegy to the death of Keats, he dedicated a verse to Chatterton – Percy Bysshe Shelley
“The purest writer in the English language” – John Keats
“One of England’s greatest poets” – Oscar Wilde
The Thomas Chatterton Society will be celebrating the Life & Works Chatterton with the following:
The British Library (London) Exhibition and Talk/Recitations/Music (July 2020)
The British Academy Thomas Chatterton: Four Ways of Literary Terra-Forming
A TALK BY Prof. NICK GROOM ~ Thu 19 May 2022, 18:00 - 19:15 Click on Text Above For Details
VENUE: B.H05 Lecture Theatre, University of Bristol, 7 Woodland Road, Bristol, BS8 1TB (Opens in a new window)
UWE Bristol Faculty of Art/TCS Expressive Art Competition & Permanent Exhibit & Award Ceremony (January to July 2020)
Chatterton Pocket Handkerchiefs Limited Edition
Chairman’s Book on Chatterton
Bristol Festival of Ideas/St Mary Redcliffe Church 'Chatterton Room' Chatterton Society Exhibition of 'Chattertonia'
A Short Film (TBD)
Keats-Shelley Association of America Joint Event - Chatterton250: A Call for Odes and Elegies - Poetry Competion
Click on Link above (Opens in a new window):
Open Mic Poetry Reading Chatterton’s Café (TBD)
Please also refer to Bristol Festival of Ideas 'A Poetic City'- Celebration of Bristol City's Poets and Poetry inspired by Thomas Chatterton 1752- 1770: Click on Link:
(Opens in a new window)
Note: "Bristol's Shakespeare" - is quoted from: ‘The Artist as Original Genius: Shakespeare’s Fine Frenzy in Late 18th Century British Art’ by William L Pressly Professor Emeritus Institute of Fine Arts of New York University USA 2007.
9th February 2020 with later additions
"The Marvellous Boy"
The Life and Myth of Thomas Chatterton
Wednesday 26th October 2016
7.00pm to 8.00pm
A film of an Interview with Linda Kelly - Chatterton Author
Bristol Folk House
40a Park St, Bristol BS1 5JG
A champagne reception to celebrate the renovation of Thomas Chatterton's birthplace by Bristol City Council, and its new use as 'Chatterton’s Cafe'. The Event represents a unique opportunity to celebrate both this historic occasion and the life and work of "One of England's greatest poets" - Oscar Wilde. The Event is supplemented by an exhibition and booklet of some of the important poets who were deeply influenced and inspired by Thomas Chatterton.
"Bristol's Shakespeare" Chatterton's Celebration
Chatterton's House (birthplace) Bristol England
The Thomas Chatterton Society Committee would like to thank all of our guests, Bristol City Council, Chatterton's Cafe, Aqua Vita Films, Sat Events, Blast Event Hire, St Mary Redcliffe & Temple School, Avery's Wine Merchants and The Lord Mayor of Bristol for their contributions to what was for us a memorable and historic occasion. We trust that it would have met with the approval of Thomas Chatterton - "Bristol's Shakespeare" and "marvellous Boy".
BRISTOL DOORS OPEN DAY 10th September 2016
10.00am to 4.00pm
The Thomas Chatterton Society in conjunction with St Mary Redcliffe Church present Thomas Chatterton and a Chatterton Documetary in the Muniments/Chatterton Room above the North Porch of St Mary Redcliffe Church.
Portrait of Thomas Chatterton studying his 'Rowley' Poems,
ostensibly procured from chests
in the Muniments/Chatterton Room.
Some of the chests remain to this day.
Click on picture for more details
(opens in a new window)
Click on picture directly below to view film
(opens in a new window)
Click on 'Flyer' for more details
(opens in a new window)
Thomas Chatterton - Talk on Thursday 19th November 2015
Chatterton's House and 'Chatterton's Cafe' now formally opened
by The Lord Mayor of Bristol
Prof. Nick Groom on Hurdy Gurdy
Prof. John Goodridge on Guitar and Vocals
sing Chatterton's 'Mynstrelles Songe' from AElla
words by Thomas Chatterton music by Prof. Goodridge
Photograph Courtesy: Dr Madge Dresser
Thomas Chatterton Society - Talks on Thursday 10th September 2015
Thomas Chatterton Society - Annual General Meeting 2014
Committee Members attending the AGM November 2014
Photographed outside his birthplace 'Chatterton's House' Redcliffe Bristol
Composing Competition entitled:
Click on Church picture to link to St Mary Redcliffe Church website
(opens in a new window)
'A Hymn for Christmas Day' (a poem written by Thomas Chatterton)
St Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol UK & Thomas Chatterton Society Joint Event. 'A Hymn for Christmas Day'' composing competition. Entrants are required to write a score to Chatterton's Poem 'A Hymn for Christmas Day' - Stanzas 1, 2. 3. 7. Composers are invited to submit a new choral work for The Choir of St Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol to sing at its Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols on Sunday 21 December 2014 at 6.30pm.
Contact Andrew Kirk Director of Music at St Mary Redcliffe Church for details:
Closure date for entrants has now passed.
THE TEXT (stanzas 1,2,3,7)
'A Hymn for Christmas Day'
ALMIGHTY Framer of the Skies!
O! let our pure Devotion rise,
Like Incense in thy Sight!
Wrapt in impenetrable Shade
The Texture of our Souls were made
Till thy Command gave Light.
The Sun of Glory gleam'd the Ray,
Refin'd the Darkness into Day,
And bid the Vapors fly:
Impell'd by his eternal Love
He left his Palaces above
To chear our gloomy Sky.
How shall we celebrate the day,
When God appear’d in mortal clay:
The mark of worldly scorn:
When the Archangels heavenly Lays,
Attempted the Redeemer's Praise
And hail'd Salvation's Morn.
My Soul exert thy Powers, adore,
Upon Devotion's plumage soar
To celebrate the Day:
The God from whom Creation sprung
Shall animate my grateful Tongue;
From him I'll catch the Lay! Bristol thomas chatterton society
Performed on 21st December 2014 by The Choir of St Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol, England. Conductor Andrew Kirk, Organist Graham Alsop, Reverend Dan Tyndall presiding
The Winner of the Composition Competition is
Dr. Philip Moore, Organist and Master of the Choristers, York Minster 1983-2008